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Using Accountable Talk features to design remote instruction

Accountable Talk® is a research-backed approach to dialogic instruction developed at the IFL. Accountable Talk features can guide the planning of technology-based instruction and help educators navigate challenges to enrich remote learning. This article was published in Bridges to Learning, the IFL’s weekly newsletter. … keep readingUsing Accountable Talk features to design remote instruction

Embracing fear and failure

Failure and fear are close relations. To put it broadly, we fail when our expectations don’t match an outcome. We remember this often negative experience and can become fearful when we perceive a chance of failure in the future. When we’re fearful we’re less likely to perform at our best, making us more likely to fail. Rinse and repeat. Our biology also contributes to feelings of fear. The Amygdala , part of our brain stem, is a primitive component of our brain responsible for communicating basic needs. It sends two types of failure-focused alerts: “we are in need of something”keep readingEmbracing fear and failure